This box was constructed and glued-up the first semester of my Junior year at the Kansas City Art Institute with my Central Shop supervisor Evin Moore. Roughcut lumber was processed as a part of technician training. I followed a standard template and familiarized myself with the wood shop. My car was totaled in December of 2019, and I had to take a financial leave for the two years following. This box remained untouched in a locker until I returned the Spring of 2022. Luckily the measurements for a final step of cutting off the lid remained accurate. In returning to school I grappled with the emotions that stemmed from change over time. I had lost friendships, normalcy, and a childhood pet. In experimenting with transparency, stickers, and photosensitive wood this work will be documented again as time passes. Cherry wood darkens as it is exposed to air and light. The phrase "Heaven is being a memory to others" is intended to remain a light color as it's masked off by the stickers.